Every Lesson Includes an Assessment and Hands On Assignment To Help Retain The Information Shared

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Did you know that most people only remember 20% of what they read?

While 80% Retain Learning Content By Seeing

See, Read, & Try It

The Nerdy But Needed Section Alone Is Filled With Information On Learning Your DSLR In Easy To Understand Terms


Photography Classes Are Not Supposed To Be Boring

At the end of the course the student should know how to:

  • Work with the light in any lighting situation.
  • Master clarity and focus.
  • Excel in planning out a creative composition.
  • Utilize the rule of thirds.
  • Take a picture in manual mode.

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

To learn how to use your camera without all of the intimidating photography jargon. 


The course is available  for a whole year after date of purchase so you can…

  • Work at your own pace in the privacy of your own home
  • Take your time on the assignments
  • Watch the video tutorial over and over until you understand it

This method is proven to help retain the information and not just forget everything you just read.

 Take Advantage 
With Three Options To Choose From
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Are you Ready To Jump In And Start Learning Photography?

These options allow us to cater to just about any learning style. Our options are:

  • The online course only ~ Assessments and assignments included
  • Just the printed spiral curriculum ~ Includes workbook and answer key
  • The online course with the accompanying full curriculum 

With these options, you can learn whichever way is best for you.

What's Included In The Course...

Section 1 Portraits 

10 Lessons


  • Popular Portrait Styles
  • Directing & Posing 
  • Covers traditional, seniors, family, & newborn sessions
  • Studio sessions and lighting equipment 
  • All about weddings

You’ll finish this section with a better understanding of what goes on in the world of a professional portrait photographer.

Section 2 Nature & Wildife

10 Lessons


  • Successful planning 
  • Where to go and what to shoot
  • Rules such as composition, leading lines, and framing
  • Creative angles
  • Positive and negative space

And so much more.

Section 3 Close Up Macro

10 Lessons


  • RWD Recommended working distance
  • Camera settings for obtaining clarity
  • Artistic arrangements
  • Mystery objects
  • Flowers, bugs, food, products, refractions, snowflakes, abstracts, and so much more

At the end of this section you should learn to see the world in a whole new way.

Section 4 Nerdy But Needed

10 Lessons

If we started out with this section no one would continue the course. We purposely put it in the middle because it is the technical side. At least it is explained in simple, easy to understand lingo. 

  • Basic Camera Diagram & understanding the camera mode dial 
  • Long exposure and showing motion
  • Presets and settings
  • Iso, Shutter Speed, and Aperture and how this triangle works together 
  • Autofocus Points
  • The histogram and so much more!

If you do the assignments then you should have a pretty good understanding of how to use a modern camera body.

Section 5 Photo Editing

10 Lessons

Since everyone uses different editing programs this section just covers basic information on manipulating a photograph. 

  • Software Programs 
  • Monitor settings 
  • Transferring and Importing 
  • Noise reduction 
  • White balance
  • Adjusting Temperature & More 

After completing this section you should be able to professionally edit a photograph.

This Course Is For You If...

  • You are lighthearted and on the fun side
  • You get bored with long technical teaching styles
  • You like to take your time in completing an assignment
  • You like to learn in a private setting in your jammies
  • You love photography!

I'm Glenda Christina

While shooting a senior portrait session one afternoon, I asked my model what classes she was taking to help here relax for the photoshoot. She informed me she was taking photography classes but the class was boring.

What? How can photography be boring?  After a second senior told me about their boring photography class, I just knew I had to do something. That is when the seeds were planted to start our ACLP photography course.  

Mixing important instruction with creativity and fun helped us to put together this engaging photography course that we hope you enjoy as much as we have enjoyed putting it all together. 

"Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I'm going to take tomorrow." 

- Imogen Cunningham

Photographers don't take pictures. They create images.”

- Mark Denman

"“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” & “The mountains are calling and I must go"

- John Muir


ACLP Photography Course

Online Course Only

Sale Price $99

Photography Course Only

Start Now!

Printed Curriculum Only (No Online Access)


Printed in the USA

Order Now!

Printed Curriculum & Online Access

Sale Price $199

Includes Everything

Purchase NOW!

I can't wait to see the amazing pictures you learn how to capture!